Why did Ketto refund my donation? | Ketto Customer Care

Why was my donation refunded by Ketto?

We at Ketto take authenticity seriously. Our internal fraud detection tools help us to determine whether to accept, reject, or manually review online transactions.

Fraud detection is done basis the risk score of the transaction. The risk score is built up using a combination of machine learning models and human review of network-wide fraud patterns

Some of the features that go into the riskScore are:

The reputation of IP addresses, email addresses, shipping addresses, phone numbers and devices.

Velocity analysis specific to the business and across the minFraud network

IP address analysis including proxy detection and geolocation checks

Fraud/not fraud

In case, if your donation is refunded, could be because of the above reason highlighted to us by our payment gateway partners. We request you to contact your beneficiary bank

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